What type of issue are you reporting? ! Warning If wires are exposed, doors are missing, or is there is structural damage to the light please call us on 01639 686868 i Warning We will not investigate vehicles that have been stationary for less than 2 weeks. We may ask for a statement confirming how long the vehicle has been abandoned. ! Warning Dial 999 if it is an emergency and you or someone else is in danger i Warning If you need to report something that is causing an immediate danger or is an emergency please phone 01639 686868 Select the problem you would like to report Select a problem Abandoned vehicle Dead animal Dog bin Dog fouling Empty home Environmental health Fallen tree / overhanging branches Flooding and drainage Fly tipping Food hygiene Found dog Graffiti Grass cutting Gritting Health and safety at work Litter bin Lost dog Noise nuisance Pest control Pollution or nuisance Pothole Roads and pavements Street cleaning Street furniture damage Street lighting Other Select the issue Continue Restart Are you sure you want to restart?